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Guano phosphate: Soil fertilizer organic fertilizer

Guano phosphate: Soil fertilizer organic fertilizer

Source : Freepik - Freepik.com

Guano fertilizer is basically the same as manure, because it comes from animal waste. Reporting from cybex.pertanian.go.id, guano fertilizer is a type of organic fertilizer found in caves, such as bat caves, which are produced from bat droppings that have long been deposited in caves and have mixed with soil and decomposing bacteria. In addition to bats, guano fertilizer can also come from the droppings of seabirds and seals.


Based on its history, Guano was first recognized in Peru around the 1850-1880s as a major trade item. The ideal type of guano can be found in areas with a dry climate. Guano is harvested on a number of islands in the Pacific Ocean, such as the Chincha Islands and Nauru, as well as other oceans such as Juan de Nova Island. The islands have been home to mass seabird colonies for centuries and have been fertilized to a depth of several meters. However, Peru is most famous for its guano. In the Indian Ocean, guano mines were discovered on Natal Island which was originally managed by the British by bringing in miners from Malaysia and Singapore. Until now, guano fertilizer still exists, especially in Indonesia.


Guano fertilizer is high in phosphorus and nitrogen. It is effective for fertilizing soil that lacks organic matter. In addition, guano fertilizer also contains varying amounts of potassium, calcium, magnesium, and sulfur. Variations in the amount of this content depend on the source of animal manure used, the type of food the animals eat, and the addition of elements during the fertilizer manufacturing process at the factory.


The advantages or benefits of using this fertilizer are that it can increase the productivity of nutrient-deficient soil, as a natural fungicide for plants, control harmful nematodes in the soil, strengthen stems and optimize the growth of new leaves, and can be used as an activator in making compost. Unfortunately, the price of guano fertilizer is relatively expensive in the market. There are two forms of guano fertilizer, namely solid and liquid. The use of this fertilizer should be used at the time of harvest, flowering, and fruit formation. At these times, the nutrient content in fertilizers will improve the quality of crop yields.