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Organic Fertilizers Are More Profitable With Quality Yields

Organic Fertilizers Are More Profitable With Quality Yields

Source : Jcomp - Freepik.com

The development of organic farming can be very profitable because it provides multiple benefits for farmers. Organic fertilizer collector Gajah Dipelupuk Mata (GDM), and a farmer companion from Payangan, Made Juliawan, Monday (5/10) said that from the results of the organic farming demonstration plot, farmers will be able to harvest rice faster and produce more yields with the development of organic agriculture.


He revealed that the results of organic rice farming can be seen in several subaks in Gianyar Regency. One of them is Subak Susut, Buahan Payangan Village has implemented an organic farming demonstration plot. He explained that with a demonstration plot of only 15 acres, the production has always been at most 700 kg per hectare. After using organic fertilizer for 4 times the yield increased steadily to 1.5 tons per hectare. Juliawan explained that the harvest is also faster than every 4 months, now it can be harvested every 3 months. In addition, the price of organic rice is much more expensive to sell and tastes much better, besides the demand is also increasing in Bali.


The Provincial Government of Bali always directs the development of organic agriculture. With the demonstration plot for organic rice farming as well as eradicating the old paradigm, organic farming has a lot of weeds and the results are long. Made Juliawan assured that this organic fertilizer contains complete nutrients for plants. In addition, in organic fertilizers there are micro and macro elements, because there are bacteria that have proven results. "So we hope all farmers can use organic fertilizers," he said.


Farmer and land owner in Subak Susut, I Wayan Doblet, emphasized that previously using chemical fertilizers from the government, he could harvest at most 500 kg of grain. Doblet admits that now after using organic fertilizers, his rice yields have tripled to 1.5 tons for only 15 acres of land. "The yield since using this liquid organic fertilizer for four harvests has proven to increase three times," he explained.