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The Advantages of Using Organic Fertilizers To Maintain Soil Quality

The Advantages of Using Organic Fertilizers To Maintain Soil Quality

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Organic materials are materials derived from plant or animal waste or by-products. In general, organic matter has a high C/N ratio (greater than 30), so that if used directly on agricultural land, it will interfere with plant growth due to the fermentation process in the soil. Here are the advantages of organic fertilizers.


  1. Organic fertilizers contain more complete micro elements than inorganic fertilizers.


  1. Organic fertilizers will provide better life for soil microorganisms that have been friends of farmers.


  1. Organic fertilizers can play a role in mobilizing or bridging nutrients that are already in the soil so that they are able to form ion particles that are easily absorbed by plant roots.


  1. Organic fertilizers play a role in the release of soil nutrients slowly and continuously so that they can help and prevent the occurrence of nutrient supply explosions that can poison plants.


  1. Organic fertilizers help maintain soil moisture and reduce stress or soil structure stress on plant roots.


  1. Organic fertilizers can improve soil structure in the sense that the composition of particles in the soil is more stable and tends to increase because soil structure plays an important role in the movement of water and air particles in the soil, activity of beneficial microorganisms, root growth, and seed germination.


  1. Organic fertilizers really help prevent erosion of the topsoil, which is a layer containing a lot of nutrients.


  1. The use of organic fertilizers also plays an important role in treating/maintaining the level of soil fertility which is already in a state of excessive fertilization with inorganic/chemical fertilizers in the soil.


  1. Organic fertilizers play a positive role in maintaining the widespread loss of dissolved nitrogen and phosphorus nutrients in the soil


  1. The quality of plants that use organic fertilizers will be better so that plants are not susceptible to disease and plants are healthier.


  1. For human health, plants that use organic fertilizers are healthier because their nutritional content is more complete and more abundant.